Author Archives: Blog

4 Myths About Holistic Healing

Holistic healing has been around for centuries and has helped countless people improve their health and spirituality by incorporating its techniques into their lives. However, holistic health is also a concept that is easily misconstrued and misunderstood by the general public. There are tons of people who simply write off holistic healing just because it’s […]

The Benefits of Holistic Healing

You might have heard about the term “holistic healing” before. It’s often a concept that is misunderstood or written off, but it shouldn’t be! Holistic healing is an approach that focuses on healing an entire person’s well being. Physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional wellness are all taken into account with holistic healing to ensure that […]

Holistic Healing: Approaches to Alternative Medicine that Really Work

When most people first hear the words “holistic healing”, they are skeptical and likely to dismiss the person speaking. Most people are taught to trust traditional medicine and doctors for all of their health needs from a very young age. However, it’s important to remember that knowledge is power. The more that we can learn […]

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