I am so excited and grateful to share this Healing Modality with you as I love assisting wonderful people and animals too on their Healing Journey!
I utilize Holistic Energy Healing Modalities including the Emotion Code, Body Code, Essential Oils, Crystals and Botanical Remedies. Energy Healing is God’s Divine Gift to Us. God is the name I use for my higher source of which there are many names for our individual higher source.
Energy Healing is a safe, effective, and easy way to Heal!
Energy Healing is moving trapped energy to correct imbalances, promoting and allowing our Innate Healing Ability to flow!
Do you have health issues or pain that limits you from fully enjoying life?
Do you struggle with not having enough money causing you to limit your desires?
Do you have limiting beliefs (I’m not good enough! I can’t do that! We can’t afford that! That will never happen to me! I will never get well! I will always be depressed!) that interfere and limit you from obtaining your dreams-the awesome job, the perfect relationship, the beautiful house, a wonderful family, traveling to exotic places….
Are you able to love another person Unconditionally even though they may have hurt you; or do you limit your love?
God wants us to love Unconditionally and to live with Abundance in all areas of our lives!
In fact, God already provides us with Abundance including the ability to Love Unconditionally!
Why do we not always see this?
Clutter! Yes Clutter!
Our Perfect and Pure Beings become cluttered with Emotional Baggage obtained from our experiences and from our ancestors. We might experience Anger when sitting in traffic, yelled at by the boss, the children misbehave, we don’t get the job we want… We might experience Sadness when a loved one passes on, a friend becomes ill, a relationship ends, when we are told we are no good…
The Energy of our Emotions, Traumas, Memories Replaying and even Emotions, Traumas and Illnesses passed down from Ancestors can become trapped in our bodies creating health issues, depression, money problems, anxiety, limiting beliefs, relationship issues, struggles with obtaining abundance, inability to clearly hear divine guidance and more!
Electromagnetic energy from our cell phones and computers, pollution, toxins from our environment, pesticides and GMOs that we eat in our foods also become trapped in our energy fields creating havoc, changing our cells, causing illnesses, depression and anxiety.
Well, I have Good News–
We can help you to Free yourself from the Clutter! You can free yourself of pain, sadness, financial problems, struggles, and toxins. You can release yourself from the sadness of losing a loved one, of the belief that you are no good, of childhood traumas, of the memories of being picked on as a kid, abused by a parent or abusing another. These are all negative energies that can prevent you from being your Pure Divine Self of Light and Love and living the life you want and deserve! Thankfully, these negative energies can painlessly and easily be released.
I, with the assistance of divine helpers, identify trapped energy and blockages or imbalances utilizing Dr. Bradley Nelson’s Emotion Code and Body Codes Technique (discoverhealing.com). Our trapped energy, our physical bodies, our emotions, our ailments, our toxins actually everything is all energy and energy can move and shift.
Once the trapped emotions and blockages are identified, I utilize divine assistance to release the unwanted energy with my intention, a magnetic pull and a will of the client to heal. With all conditions right, the body can then innately begin to heal. The depression or anxiety lessens or disappears. You become more open to that perfect job or relationship to come your way. The negative thought that played in your mind dissolves. The anger and hurt you exhibited around a person who previously abused you is no longer there.
Because the clutter is released!
It is Truly Amazing and So Simple!
And best of all, the more clutter you clear, the more you Can Hear and Tune into Divine Guidance. The Divine sends us messages all the time but we cannot hear the messages with all the clutter.
Once free from the clutter, you begin to Hear, and Life is Truly Amazing! You just listen and follow. You discover your True Gifts, your Life Path, and your Life Purpose. All things fall into place. You live in Harmony and Joy!
How Cool is that!
God wants you to be Free!
God wants you to love your neighbor and yourself Unconditionally and live Abundantly!
To be the Light for All to See!
So, if you are having struggles with Health Issues, Relationships, Anxiety, Depression, Finances, Connecting with the Divine and more,
“I would just like to thank Rhonda at Sprinkling Sunshine for all her help. She truly is amazing. My husband was in the hospital with Kidney Stones and was in so much pain. I had never seen him with so much pain. Rhonda did her natural healing and it was truly amazing. His pain went away, his stones went away. I know some people will be skeptical but once you let her help you, you will see that she truly is amazing. Rhonda is one of the greatest people you will ever meet. She is honest, trustworthy and just one of the truest hearts you will ever know.”
Alica Morris
Many of us have built an energetic wall of trapped emotions around our heart called a Heart-Wall. The Heart -Wall develops at a difficult time in one’s life to protect the heart from injury or from being broken.
For example, a Heart-Wall may develop when encountering abuse, loss of a loved one, breaking up from a relationship… The Heart-Wall was discovered by Dr. Bradley Nelson who estimated that 93% of people have a Heart-Wall or have a Hidden Heart-Wall.
Unfortunately, the Heart-Wall can later cause problems including difficulties in relationships, depression, isolation, numbed emotions, anxiety, inability to give and receive love, health problems, neck pain, shoulder pain, heart pain, inability to receive abundance and more. Learn more about the Heart-Wall at https://discoverhealing.com/the-heart-wall/.
Good News though is that a Heart-Wall can be removed quickly and easily!
“Rhonda, thank you so much. I appreciate your time and love put into the clearing and the angel reading for me. I didn’t know I had trapped emotions that blocked me. However, after you mentioned that I put up a heart wall at the age of 37, I can believe that completely. During that time my dear friend, who I thought was a best friend, she was slowly but surely working on scamming/conning me of all my $$$$ and she had special gifts that she used in a not a good way. I have taken time to heal, and I wish her the best. I am grateful that you found the trapped emotions, and yes, the horror and disgust, and sadness stemmed from around that time in my life. Thank you! I will continue talking to my angels and God. Thank you for your generosity. Have a beautiful day.”
Xox, Helen
“Rhonda, I just want to say thank you so much! The change in both of my daughters who are 11 and 14 is so noticeable. If someone would have told me that one session would do so much I wouldn’t have believed them. One of my daughters you said had pine needles around her heart wall and that is something that we were around constantly at that time. Once again, thank you for the detailed report and using your gift.”
Lana Villalobos
So, if you are ready to release the clutter, the negative energy, and set yourself Free and Live Abundantly and Happily, Book Sessions with Rhonda.
Email Energy Healing Session Packages and Phone Energy Healing Session Packages are available. An initial 15-minute phone session is included with both email and phone sessions to discuss your desired areas to release imbalances around.
This type of healing is Pretty Amazing!
Free 15 minute phone consultations are available upon request to answer questions. Leave me a message at [email protected] and I will email you available times.
Animals can also acquire trapped negative energies including Heart-Walls.
Animals suffer from depression and similar ailments just as humans do. Schedule a session for your pet.
“Faith is to believe what we do not see, and the reward of this faith is to see what we believe.”
– Saint Augustine