release Your Energetic Baggage with Healing Sessions!

What to Expect From a Session

With Divine Guidance and Assistance, I energetically connect with your Subconscious to identify and eliminate Underlying Imbalances by releasing Energetic Imbalances in the areas of Energy, Circuitry, Pathogens, Structure, Toxicity, and Nutrition. This method of Healing promotes Harmony and Balance within, Relieving Stress and Supporting the Body’s Natural Ability to Heal.

Within 48 hours following each session, a list of energies that were released, along with any recommendations that were revealed during the session, are emailed to your inbox. Additional sessions in the Healing Session Package will then be scheduled. For Email Energy Healing Sessions only, an email is sent to the client prior to the next scheduled Email Session to obtain an update on issues addressed in the previous session and to confirm issues to be addressed in the upcoming session. The time allotted between each session is a few days to a week to allow adequate time to heal.

Schedule a Session today!